Trooper Number of the Beast 8 Pack


En existencia


Trooper Original es una cerveza premium, inspirada por Iron Maiden y cervecería artesanal Robinson´s.

Para conmemorar  el 40 aniversario del álbum de Iron Maiden “The Number of the Beast”. Se lanzó un casette y una etiqueta de edición especial para la cerveza Trooper Beer

Malta, sabores y notas cítricas de una mezcla única de Bobec, Goldings y lúpulo Cascade, dominan este dorado y profundo estilo Ale con un sutil toque de limón.

3 valoraciones en Trooper Number of the Beast 8 Pack

  1. Ameliat

    Wonderful analysis! Your insights are very enlightening. For those interested in further details, here’s a link: DISCOVER MORE. Keen to hear your views!

  2. Joycet

    Insightful read! I found your perspective very engaging. For more information, visit: READ MORE. Eager to see what others have to say!

  3. Alicet

    Great read! The author’s perspective was fascinating and left me with a lot to think about. I’m looking forward to hearing what others think. Feel free to visit my profile for more discussions.

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